Website Design & Development

Rapidly built WordPress based corporate and specialist website design & development for Cambodia and worldwide clients.

I’ve been building websites for more than 20 years, with some of the earliest commercial examples still online since around 2001. Later gaining experience in a wide variety of industries in Cambodia and Thailand since 2007/8. Clients range from business services, real estate, tourism and hospitality, to digital and media companies. My understanding and experience of the fast changing online infrastructure in Cambodia helps my Cambodia web design clients to better target their website and digital marketing activities. I use local knowledge to your benefit.

Most business website needs are more than covered by a customised WordPress website design, with additional functionality easily added through plugins. I check all themes and plugins used on the WordPress websites I build to ensure an easily maintainable platform free from conflicts during updates and secured against vulnerabilities.


Customisable WordPress Platform

I’ve been building custom WordPress themes and websites since the early versions and it has proved reliable, customisable and scalable for business website use. Based on a standard WordPress installation, most website design work adopts the required Content Management System functionality from the core platform. Many clients take over content updates on their site through the easy to use admin system.


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Extendable Themes & Plugins

Quickly add or change functionality within your website design, or fix problems by adding or configuring plugins. I use a number of regular plugins to add functionality to client websites, including both free and premium recommendations for photo galleries, SEO, job listings, knowledgebase articles, landing pages, contact and quote forms, or to enhance the standard blog area.


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Search Engine Optimisation Tools

It is a relatively simple but time consuming task to fully tag and optimise your website pages and images. The rules for SEO change all the time but there are a number of tools you can use on your website to ensure the content is clearly readable to the search engine bots crawling your site. I can help set up analytics and help you take over ongoing management of your search engine optimisation.


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Optimised Website Hosting Platform

Providing an optimal hosting environment for your business website. Pre-optimised for WordPress cache and security plugins, with Apache and .htaccess tweaks focused on providing low latency for Asia based visitors. Many years experience maintaining web hosting for companies and responding to issues to keep websites in good working order for your visitors. Data centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


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Specialised in WordPress website design and custom development for businesses in Cambodia.



WordPress Website Design: Typical Project Scope of Work

The aim of a WordPress website design and development project is to build a scalable, reliable, and user-friendly WordPress based website with a focus on creating a smooth user experience and enabling easy access to key information. The website should function as an effective sales and marketing tool to help you increase sales or visibility of your business, product, brand or cause.

Scope of work involves website setup and frontend customisation, custom WordPress theme development, stock photography sourcing, implementation and setup of backend CMS functionality, and plugin setup, modifications and customisation.

The website will be built based on the WordPress CMS (Content Management System) Platform. I will custom build the theme aided by established plugins to enable rapid development while building the required functionality, this is to keep development time low, timeframes short, and therefore enables costs to be lower than a fully custom backend.

The design focus will often be about setting the right scene for customers, promoting “international standards”, effectively communicating information about your products and services, and providing a platform for contacting you.

Layout and styling of the website will be will follow and incorporate elements of your existing logo and branding, or we can create a new creative brand and logo design as a separate project first. The website will be planned and set up with SEO as an utmost priority, and a user-friendly page structure to allow both visitors and search engines to fully understand the website content. The WordPress platform allows plenty of room for further website expansion later.

A number of additional areas can be built into the website, and I will submit recommendations for utilising additional plugins to your benefit, such as providing additional functionality to enhance the overall website. These can include integration with Social Media and other marketing channels such as opt-in newsletters, functionality such as enquiry forms, blogs, video, audio as well as user interface enhancements to create the impression you intend to.



The Website Design Process:

  • Planning. Initial SEO Keyword Research and website page structure planning. Research and prepare plugin recommendations for specific sections.
  • Design. Prepare mockups of proposed design concepts / page layouts.
  • Content. Work with the client to prepare content for the website, both written text and sourcing photos, imagery and other media. We’ll go through the SEO keyword and site structure plan and identify areas that need to be adapted to best fit the content.
  • Development. Commence website setup and custom theme coding. Website is built on a demo server and the client can access the in-progress website to view it at any time.
  • Review. Review the website with the client. Then refine, add final content, and make final tweaks the website before launch.
  • Launch. I’ll put the website live on the web hosting server and designated domain name.


Ready to design a new website? Get in touch and we’ll talk about your project.

Joe Ogden
Website Design & Development
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
[email protected]